Recipients of the 2013 & 2014 Best Of Chicago Award - Middle and High School Program Category
Inspiring Girls to Blend...OUT!
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Recognizing that girls are inundated with subtle societal messages about their value and potential, Girls Rule!, inspires girls to define for themselves the type of young women they would like to become. We provide girls across the U.S. and abroad with life-changing experiences and real solutions to the unique issues they face. Girls Rule! provides girls with the right tools for positive decision making in a safe environment where trained professionals and mentors guide them. Girls learn to set and achieve goals, boldly confront and overcome challenges, resist peer pressure, see college as attainable, and explore a variety of career pathways.
Each donation made to Girls Rule! pays dividends in local communities in the form of:
- Enhanced leadership, technology, employment and
entrepreneurship skills
- Enhanced conflict resolution skills, parent engagement opportunities
and community engagement through service projects
We also know the following outcomes to be true of the girls our programs
- 82% showed improved self-confidence
- 79.8% demonstrated enhanced communication skills with parents, peers and authority figures
- 66.3% developed better conflict resolution and decision-making skills
- 63.1% improved their academic performance
- 87% were accepted into 2-4 year college programs
All girls will rise to the occasion of excellence if provided the proper resources and tools and society as a whole benefits.
Weekly Girls Rule! programs, special events like "Careers, Cupcakes and Conversations," college tours, tutoring and other programs are made possible as a resulf of your generous financial support.
Please feel free to donate any amount as you see fit.
Please make checks or money orders payable to Girls Rule! and mail to:
Girls Rule!
ATTN: Office Manager
PO Box 305
Oak Park, IL 60303
Offer In Kind Support
Girls Rule! is always in need of books, games, snacks, school supplies, computing devices and other items that assist us in meeting the ever changing needs of the young ladies we serve. For more information about our current needs, please email Katrina Shiff or phone us at 312-479-0789.
We are greatly appreciative of your willingness to volunteer with our organization. For more details, please contact Katrina Shiff by email or by phone at 312-479-0789.