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"Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back."

The Etiquette Imperative Tip of the Day:

It is inappropriate for undergarments to visible while in public. That includes bra straps.

The Etiquette Imperative's 2014 Fall Workshop Series
An Esteem and Confidence Building Etiquette Series for Young Ladies

The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative, recipient of the 2013 and 2014 Best Of Chicago Award: Middle School and High School Programs and the official etiquette, communication and media coach of the 2009- 2013 Bud Billiken Royal Court provides an organized opportunity for discussion of the rules of etiquette in an age appropriate, fun and engaging manner! Access to these esteem building, critical life skills help girls to successfully navigate social situations, enhance their communication skills and provide girls with the right tools to navigate daily social interactions with grace, poise, respect and integrity today and as they transition in to adulthood.

Register for the Fall 2014 Etiquette Program Series

Register today or sponsor a young lady to attend!
Note:  Space is limited to this small group experience. 

ABOUT THE PROGRAM:  Girls Rule! award winning programs provide curriculum based mentoring and esteem building opportunities for girls in an age appropriate fun and engaging manner.  Access to these esteem building, critical life skill development programs help young ladies to successfully navigate social situations, enhance their communication skills and confidence, provides exposure to career pathways and serve them well as they transition in to adulthood. The Program has been recognized by McDonalds Corporation and ABC7-Chicago for its positive impact and dynamic programming in the Chicagoland community.  It has also been featured on Chicago's NBC 5, CNN, Fox News and in other media outlets.

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Etiquette ImperativeEtiquette CertificationWorkshopsEtiquette Imperative - SchoolsEtiquette Imperative - Church
Eti-Kid PartiesMy First Tea PartyPoise & Grace CoachingSocial Grace CoachingEvent Photo Album
The Etiquette Imperative featured in:

Evening News with Katie Couric Segment
Take a sneak peek!

Dawn Turner-Trice's Chicago Tribune column, "Girls Rule! Helps Girls To Help Themselves" >>read<< or take a sneak peek.

Sponsored by:

The WRITE Edge
Catherine's Creations
Dining Matters:
Uninterrupted time sharing a meal with adults helps children to observe and learn table manners.

When was the last time you sat around the dinner table at home and shared a cooked meal?

Bring The Etiquette Imperative to your school, church or community organization by emailing us at info@girlz-rule.org or by phoning 312-479-0789.
Baby Shower Etiquette:

It's ok to have a baby shower for child #2, however, you'll demonstrate proper etiquette by limiting invitations to close family and friends and persons who were not invited to a shower for the first baby.

Girls Rule! Director, Ladon Brumfield named Bud Billiken Royal Escort
>>read more<<

The Etiquette Imperative was selected to provide social, dining and communication etiquette and media coaching to the Bud Billiken Royal Court (pictured below with Obama Senior Advisor, Valarie Jarrett) for the 4th consecutive year.  The Royal Court represented the children of Chicago in this historic annual event.

In Their Own Words....
Etiquette class participants share their experience. (click below or view here)

In the news:

The Etiquette Imperative featured on
Fox News   

email me
Join Us For An EtiKid Series For Girls!
“I love that your etiquette program so effectively takes girls from crayons to pearls!
I wish I had taken a class like this when I was younger.” 
Cynthia Bowers, National Correspondent,
The Evening News with Katie Couric

This etiquette series is designed to assist girls ages 6 – 17 to successfully navigate everyday life situations and challenges with the understanding that,
"...being a lady is about what we do AND what we won't allow ourselves to do."
~ Markashia age, 13

Register for the Fall Etiquette Series
occurring on
November 8, 15 and 22
at our new Bronzeville site:
4352 South Drexel Avenue, Chicago

Class Schedule and Curriculum:
Nov. 8 |11am – 1pm:
Know Your Destination: Envisioning The Type Of Woman I'd Like To Become: Etiquette Foundations & Social And Communication Etiquette

Nov. 15 | 11am – 12n:
A Smart Girls Guide To Managing School Drama and Cliques
Poise and Grace

Nov. 22 | 11am – 12n:
Style Book: Developing Personal Style
How To Disagree Without Being Disagreeable | Mastering My Emotions  Dealing with Difficult People
Series Enrollment