Girls in Green!
Girls Rule help to build Green communities!

Parent Workshops
Girls Rule! is an authorized CPS service provider
Parents are sometimes overlooked, but vitally important stakeholders in the success of young ladies and gentlemen, especially those residing in urban communities. With a focus on their importance in helping our young ladies succeed, the Girls Rule! Parent Engagement component focuses on teaching parents how to support and become apart of their children's learning as well as to reinforce what their children have learned as participants in our programs.
Girls Rule! parent workshops help parents to enhance their own knowledge while learning strategies and methods incorporated in the programs to employ at home with their children. Parents are encouraged to model learning as a continuous process, which is crucial in fostering a life-long love of learning in their children. Sessions provide parents with useful and effective tools, strategies and activities which strengthen learning for the while family.
Parent workshops are available for each Girls Rule! program and as stand alone workshops.
A sampling of our workshops include:
Workshops Focusing on Grades 3-8
Assists parents of tweens and teens
- Conflict Resolution/Bullying
- Effective Communication Styles and Methods
- Preparing for High School
- Building Trusting Relationship Strategies
- Coping with Peer Pressure
- Strength for Their Journey - The Power of Affirmations
- Building and Enhancing Self - Esteem
Personal and Leadership Development Workshops*
Prepares parents to become successful leaders in their schools and communities.
- Collaboration and Teambuilding
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
- Facilitating Change - Leading Meetings and Workshops
- Clear the Clutter - Becoming Better Organized
Life Skills*
- Positive Conflict Resolution - Dealing with Stress
Girls Rule Programming
- EYE for Change (Engaging Youth Entrepreneurs)
*These workshop series are designed to strengthen the skills of the parents themselves, while all other workshops are designed to help parents support their children's learning. A similar sampling of workshops are also available for youth.
Email or phone us at 312-479-0789 to schedule a workshop.
"It is easer to build strong children, than to repair broken men."
~ Frederick Douglass
'Children are not people of tomorrow, they're people of today.'
~ Janusz Korczak
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Girls Rule! Parent Involvement Matters
Teen & 'Tween Esteem!