Who Are We?
Girls Rule! is a goal driven organization whose mission is to empower and aid in the self development of young ladies, ages 7 – 18 who reside in urban communities. Learn more about our beliefs and values.
The Girls Rule! Program….
Promotes inter-generational relationships between women and girls, explores career pathways, enhances esteem and offers girls pathways to better decision making. This “girl driven” program also promotes participation in physical activities that will impact the health and well-being of our girls. Girls Rule! provides access to coaching, engaging and fun facilitator led workshops. The program enables young ladies to hone their leadership, math, science, presentation and communication skills while working in peer led teams. Participants experience organized field trips to local businesses where they observe successful professionals that work in a variety of industries and fields.
Blend OUT or Blend IN?
Who Do You Want to Become?
Girls Rule! establishes a safe environment for girls to “blend-out” rather than to “blend-in” as they discover the type of women they would like to become. Program components introduce multiple processes that enable girls to enhance the quality of their own lives. Participants are provided with access to “engaging girl-centric” activities that confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential. The Program supplies the tools for young girls to become confident leaders of tomorrow through the development of consistent programming. They develop skill sets in the areas of:
Exploration of Career Pathways
Economic Literacy
Environmental Issues
Health and Well-being and;
Violence Prevention
Girls Rule! by Design Summer Program
The Girls Rule! by Design program will provide a unique, fun and engaging six week experience for girls ages 4 - 14. Girls will laugh, learn, explore and define the type of women they'd like to become while they enjoy exclusive girl-centric Girls Rule! activities and workshops such as...>>more<<
Parent Work Shops
Parents are sometimes overlooked, but vitally important stakeholders in the success of young ladies and gentlemen, especially those residing in urban communities. With a focus on their importance in helping children to succeed, the Girls Rule! Parent Engagement component focuses on teaching parents how to support...>>more<<
Girls Rule!
Girls Rule! is a girl-led program that promotes inter-generational relationships between women and girls, explores career pathways, builds esteem and...>>more<<
Is there a correlation between etiquette and a girl's future earning power? YES! >>REGISTER<<
SewnPerfect Fashion Sewing and Design Workshop Series
Girls Rule! is a girl-led program that promotes inter-generational relationships between women and girls, explores career pathways, builds esteem and...>>REGISTER<<
EYE for Change (Engaging Young Entrepreneurs)
EYE for Change provides young ladies with the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial attitude, increase their financial IQ, and leadership skills by working with members of a peer led team to develop “their own” business plans, which are introduced to an audience of entrepreneurs.
Me2Be Workshop Series
Know your destination! The Me2Be Workshop Series provides young ladies with an opportunity to envision and create a tangible roadmap, complete with short and long term goals and actions steps to help them to develop into the women that they would like to become. >>read more<< or take a sneak peak of our most recent work with girls.
Girls Rule! Great Destinations Adventure Project
The Great Destinations Adventure Program offers exposure to arts and cultural programs...>>more<<
Novel Destinations Summer Reading Club
The Girls Rule! Novel Destinations Summer Reading Club is a free*, web-based empowering program that...>>more<<
1 Day, 6 and 12 Week Programs for Schools and Community Organizations
The Girls Rule! program options provide a cost-effective way for schools, networks of schools (three to ten) or school districts to incorporate Girls Rule! programming into their before or after-school program offerings. >>more<<
Learn about our other exciting programs!
Girls Rule! Programs
Girls Rule! programs are driven by the ever-changing needs and interests of today's young girls. By providing access to fun, engaging programs and activities, Girls Rule young ladies discover their hidden talents, abilities, confidence and power.
Girls Rule! is a We Can! community partner
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girl program in chicago, in chicago for girls programs chicago, financial girl program, technology programs for girls in chicago, programs for girls who are african amercian girls. career programs for girls and programs for african american girls in careers. chicago Girl career programs, girl programs, african american girls program, girl programs in chicago, girl program in chicago, girl program career chicago, girl business program chicago, career girl etiquette program chicago, african american etiquette, chicago etiquette program, program on etiquette for african american girls program, girls program chicago girl, chicago girls programs, girls rule program for girls, girls rule, girl program in chicago called girls rule, leadership program for girls rule chicago, leaders of the world chicago of girls rule, girls rule technology, girls rule science, girls rule green in chicago, girls in green, chicago girls rule the environment, girls rule makes a difference, chicago technology pogram at martin temple, martin temple girls rule chicago, martin temple in rule green, martin temple, rule martin temple, rule programs, african american girls rule programs, african american martin temple, girls of martin temple rule in chicago, rule african american programs, programs with girls rule, girls program, chicago program , rule, girls rule programs, chicago girls rule programs, chicago girls rule green programs, Chicago girls rule, martin temple girls rule programs chicago, chicago programs on southside girls rule, girls rule green programs in chicago, chicago programs, chicago programs, chicago programs, chicago programs, chicago girls rule programs, chicago girls rule programs, chicago girls rule programs, girls rule, girls rule, girls rule
Register today!
History has been made! The first Girls Rule meeting was convened at Hinton Elementary School in Chicago's Englewood community! We had a blast! Check back later for meeting comments from these wonderful buds of promise!
"I had fun at the book club meeting because we could talk about what we thought about the book and hear what other girls thought too."
Shantell, age 9
Girls Rule! selected to provide Etiquette Coaching to Bud Billiken Royal Court!
Upcoming Events
Past 2009 Events
Girls Rule! Contributor Honor Roll!
- Brenda Palms Barber- CEO North Lawndale Employment Network
- Danielle McKinney Rush University
Girls Rule!
Hinton Elementary School chapter to be featured on
CBS Evening News with Katie Couric! Take a sneak peek!
Girls Rule! featured in Dawn Turner-Trice's Chicago Tribune column, "Girls Rule! Helps Girls To Help Themselves" >>read<< or take a sneak peek
Take a sneak peak
at the
Girls Rule Kids Minute
Girls Rule! Youth Ready/CHA Project for young ladies!
Girls Rule! has been selected to support Mayor Daley's Chicago Youth Ready project by...>>read more<<
New School Sites and Chapters
Girls Rule! welcomes
the young ladies of...
Altgeld Gardens CHA Chapter
Hinton Elementary School
Gompers Elementary School
Kohn Elementary School
Lavizzo Elementary School
Lowden Homes CHA Chapter
Marcus Garvey Elementary School
Passages Charter School
Resurrection College Prep High School
Songhai Learning Academy
"I love Girls Rule! because I get to share my opinions and think about my future.
Every girl should have an opinion and every girl should think about her future."
Tiffin, age 13
Samuel Gompers Fine Arts School
Girls Rule! Internal Drive Tech Tour!
1 Day Workshops Include:
Bring civility and etiquette to your community!
- Coordinate etiquette and civility efforts in your school, church or organization.
In the News...
Girls Rule! Receives Best of Chicago Award!
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