Now Available!
Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative certification program and
Etiquette Coaching Guide
Social Grace and Communication Etiquette Coaching
North Lawndale Employment Network CEO Teaches Communication and Social Etiquette Class
ladies, ages 7 - 14 to enhance their knowledge of communication and social etiquette through fun and interactive exercises in order that the newly learned information becomes a replicable life skill.
Mrs. Barber has been a long time supporter of the Girls Rule! and The Etiquette Imperative and has provided social and communication training through this program for the past 2 years. Take a sneak peek at our program!
The special young person in your life may participate in The Etiquette Imperative at our location or these life enriching coaching classes may be coordinated at your school or community organization. Please email us or call us at (312) 479-0789 to learn more.
The Etiquette Imperative Our Results:
"To summarize Paighton's experience with one word I would state phenomenal. As a result of Paighton attending etiquette classes, her self-esteem was enhanced and I witnessed her possessing a greater self-confidence. "
Mrs. Pamela Thomas
Parent of Etiquette Imperative Class Participant
The Etiquette Imperative Class Schedule
2011 Sessions
March - April
2010 Sessions
May - June
Arthur Ashe Elementary School
June 26
Bronzeville Community
2009 Sessions
January 31 - February 28
March 7 (American Girl Place event)
Upcoming 2009 Sessions
The Etiquette Imperative (Pre-K - age 7)
August 22
The Etiquette Imperative for Teens
September 19
“Possessing good manners helps children build confidence, increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, make friends, and create a positive impression on others.”
“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot."
Is there a correlation between etiquette and a girl's future
earning power?
Three separate studies conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Stanford Research Institute agree that "Success in getting, keeping, and advancing in a job depends 85% on people skills and only 15% on technical skills." So proper social skills including courtesy and respect may be the bottom line in determining a profitable future.
"This (The Etiquette Imperative) is a beautiful thing. It is such a blessing to see young ladies be excited about and successfully learn and demonstrate such poise and grace. You all keep doing what you are doing!"
Effie Rolfe, Radio Personality &
Mistress of Ceremony of 2007 Hat of Glove Tea
The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative Program recognizes that communication skills mastery builds self-esteem and leadership ability.
On Saturday, February 7, 2009, Brenda Palms Barber, CEO of the North Lawndale Employment Network (NLEN) and President of Sweet Beginnings, LLC facilitated a Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative Program session entitled: Communication and Social Etiquette.
Mrs. Barber's innovative and dynamic classroom session provided an opportunity for 17 African American young