Now Available!
My First Tea Party: Poise and Grace
The Art of Etiquette for Young Ladies ages 4 - 7 years of age.
The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative is designed for pre-kindergarden, primary, middle and high school aged young ladies.
My First Tea Party etiquette sessions, are designed for young ladies pre-k to 7 years of age to provide an entertaining and educational opportunity for discussion of manners, poise and style that empowers young ladies to achieve their maximum potential by building confidence in their social skills.
Program curriculm addresses visual poise, personal grooming and style, social etiquette and table manners thru interactive exercises in order that the newly learned information becomes a life skill. We become what we repeatedly do. The etiquette program culminates with a tea party where young ladies may demonstrate and utilize their newly learned etiquette skills.
Poise and Grace 101
Young ladies attending this Poise and Grace session will enhance their knowledge of proper sitting positions and appropriate grooming and dress tips. Each young lady will also learn how to enter a room and how to walk with grace and confidence. The session will culminate with an opportunity for each participant to "walk the cat walk" while demonstrating confidence, grace and elegance before enjoying an elegant tea party.
This customizable program which may be delivered in schools, churches and other youth serving organizations is delivered though fun, interactive excercises in order that the newly learned information becomes a replicable life skill. Take a sneak peek at our recent winter session!
A sampling of Etiquette Imperative workshop topics include:
My First Tea Party
Visual Poise and Grace
Personal Grooming and Style
First Impressions
Communication and Presentations Skills
Social Graces
Table Manners
Peer Pressure and Sticky Situations
Skincare and Beauty
Interviewing 101
Etiquette for Prom and Formals
Upon successful completion of The Etiquette Imperative students receive a special certificate to celebrate their achievement.
The special young person in your life may participate in The Etiquette Imperative at our location or these life enriching coaching workshops may be customized to meet the needs of young ladies and gentlemen at your school or community organization as a year around program or as a workshop. Please email or call (312) 479-0789 to learn more.
The Etiquette Imperative Class Schedule
2011 Sessions
March - April
2010 Sessions
May - June
Arthur Ashe Elementary School
June 26
Bronzeville Community
2009 Sessions
January 31 - February 28
March 7 (American Girl Place event)
Upcoming 2009 Sessions
The Etiquette Imperative (Pre-K - age 7)
August 22
The Etiquette Imperative for Teens
September 19
Questions? Please email us or call us at (312) 479-0789.
“Possessing good manners helps children build confidence, increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, make friends, and create a positive impression on others.”
“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot."
Is there a correlation between etiquette and a girl's future
earning power?
Three separate studies conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Stanford Research Institute agree that "Success in getting, keeping, and advancing in a job depends 85% on people skills and only 15% on technical skills." So proper social skills including courtesy and respect may be the bottom line in determining a profitable future.
My First Tea Party
"In an world and during a time where the media sends negative messages to our young ladies, not only about their worth but how they should dress and conduct themselves, I am so pleased to have the opportunity to observe these young ladies as they graduate from the Etiquette Imperative today. Young ladies, you have learned skills that will serve you for a lifetime."
Alderman Freddrenna M. Lyles, Alderman - 6th Ward
at 2007 Hat and Glove Tea