The Etiquette Imperative Tip of the Day:
It is inappropriate for undergarments to visible while in public. That includes bra straps...even as we enjoy summer temperature and fashions.
Evening News with Katie Couric Segment
Dawn Turner-Trice's Chicago Tribune column, "Girls Rule! Helps Girls To Help Themselves" >>read<< or take a sneak peek.
Dining Etiquette Matters:
Uninterrupted time sharing a meal with adults helps children to observe and learn table manners.
When was the last time you sat around the dinner table at home and shared a cooked meal?
In the news:
The Etiquette Imperative featured on Fox News
Join the "Speak Your Peace" Civility and Etiquette Initiative
Teaching children to resolve conflict through civility and etiquette mastery.
A Civility and Etiquette Movement.
Additional Questions? Email us or phone us at 312-479-0789.

Become a "Speak Your Peace" Civility and Etiquette Presenter
Present Etiquette Imperative Civility and Etiquette Lessons in Your Classroom, church or during your youth or after-school program.
You'll receive:
- Access to "Speak Your Peace" webinars and training
- "Speak Your Peace" presenter's guide: discussion points and engaging civility activities and projects that focus on the 9 Simple Tools of Civility
(e-Guide now available)
- "Speak Your Peace Civility and Etiquette Initiative commitment cards.
- "Speak Your Peace" reprintable posters (8 1/2 x 11)
- Access "Speak Your Peace" Special recognition certificates
(ordered separately)
Empower, engage and inspire youth in your community today!
States represented: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina,
North Carolina, California, New York, Florida, Alabama,
New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, District of Columbia
Countries: Canada, France, Nigeria, Guam
Speak Your Piece T-shirts in youth and adult sizes are available.
Proceeds fund etiquette imperative and summer program scholarships.
Thank you or your support!
Social, Grooming & Attire, Communication and Debutante Coaching