The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative is designed for pre-kindergarden, primary, middle and high school aged young ladies and may be implemented as year around, 1 day or 6 week workshops.
Class topics include, but are not limited to:
Social Etiquette
- Escalators, Elevators, Doors
Table Settings
- Continental Style of Dining
- Conversation at the Table
- Entering and Exiting the Table
- Resting and Finished Positions
These life enriching coaching workshops may also be customized to meet the needs of young ladies and gentlemen at your school or community organization as a year around program, workshop or organization fundraiser.
Please email us or call us at (312) 479-0789 to learn more.
The Etiquette Imperative Class Schedule
2012 Sessions
2011 Sessions
2010 Sessions
Hinton Elementary School
May - June
Arthur Ashe Elementary School
July 31
October 9
November 20
5 Step Holiday Manners Make Over
for Young Ladies and Gentlemen
2009 Sessions
March 7 (American Girl Place event)
The Etiquette Imperative (Pre-K - age 7)
August 22
The Etiquette Imperative for Teens
October 2009
“Possessing good manners helps children build confidence, increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, make friends, and create a positive impression on others.”
"This program is GREAT! When I was growing up, I wish that I had access to a program like this -- that lays out spoken and unspoken rules of social, communication and other etiquette protocals so nicely. "
Cynthia Bowers, National Correspondent
CBS Evening News with Katie Couric
Communication Etiquette
- Proper Greetings/Introductions
- Use of Please, Thank you and Excuse Me
Specialized workshops and classes include:
- Teens at the Table (ages 13 -19)
- Personal Grooming and Style
- Communication and Presentations Skills
- Peer Pressure and Sticky Situations
- Skincare, Beauty and Hygiene
- Etiquette for Prom and Formals
Empower, Inspire, Explore.
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Bringin' Books Back
Book Store
Now Available!
Girls Rule!
Etiquette Imperative certification program and
Etiquette Coaching Guide
'Children are not people of tomorrow, they're people of today.'
~ Janusz Korczak
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe