The Girls Rule! Program
Helping Girls To Help Themselves
As featured on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, NBC 5 Morning News and in The Chicago Tribune article, "Girls Rule Helps Girls To Help Themselves" (by Dawn Turner Trice), Girls Rule! establishes a safe environment for girls to “blend-out” rather than to “blend-in” as they discover the type of women they would like to become.
Guided by our beliefs, Girls Rule! establishes a creative and supportive environment that empowers girls to explore career pathways, enhance their esteem and to utilize tools and pathways to better decision making. Girls Rule! is our organization's core foundational program through which young ladies gain access to a variety of dynamic programming. This “girl driven” program also promotes participation in physical activities that will impact the health and well-being of our girls. Girls Rule! provides access to coaching, engaging and fun facilitator led weekly, six week long or one day workshops. The program enables young ladies to hone their leadership, math, science, presentation and communication skills while working in peer led teams.
Program components are infused with HOTS (Higher Order Thinking) methodologies, tools required to excercise better decision making and multiple processes that enable girls to enhance the quality of their own lives. During weekly meetings, participants are also provided with access to fun and engaging "girl-centric” activities and discussions that confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential. The program supplies the tools for young girls to become confident leaders of tomorrow through the development of consistent programming. They develop skill sets in the areas of:
Esteem Enhancement
Conflict Resolution
Exploration of Career Pathways
Community engagement
Economic Literacy
Environmental Issues
Health and Well-being and;
Violence Prevention

Girls Rule! is a We Can! community partner
Past Events
Girls Party with a Purpose >>
2008 GreenFestival Activities >>
Girls Rule!
Putting the Green
Pieces Together
Girls Rule! explores
Natural and Organic Beauty 101 >>
See what girls are saying about Girls Rule!
They say "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," but words DO hurt. It is great to have a place where we can discuss how we feel with other girls, know we aren't alone and support each other while we work on our esteem.
~ 6th Grade Participant
Coming Soon: Girls Rule! tV
The members of Girls Rule! are exploring video and film development.
Take a look at their first finished project!
Next week they will learn how to integrateaudio! Get ready for Girls Rule! tV.
Read our New Feature:
HERstory Makers!
Girls Rule RAW
Girls Rule! Honored by ABC 7 & McDonalds
February, 2012