F.L.O.W programs are driven by the ever-changing needs and interests of today's African American girls. By providing access to fun, engaging programs and activities, F.L.O.W. girls discover their hidden talents, abilities, confidence and power.
Future Leaders of the World is a We Can! community partner
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Girls Rule! is committed to providing engaging girl-centric programs that empower, educate and excite it's participants.
To measure the effectiveness and relevance of our programs we ask participants to share their thoughts, special memories and other relevant feedback with us.
We welcome you to read some of the valuable and telling feedback received during our past program sessions.
"Girls Rule taught me how to ignore ignorance. It may sound funny, but that's what I need to do. Ignore ignorance."
~ Mariah
"I feel respected at Girls Rule...like people really want me here. I'm learning how to be better in so many ways and that life has so many possibilities."
~ Myeshia
"Girls Rule! is so important to me because it's a safe place where I can just be myself...without all of the drama!"
~ 7th Grade Participant
"They say "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," but words DO hurt. It is great to have a place where we can discuss how we feel with other girls, know we aren't alone and support each other while we work on our esteem."
~ 6th Grade Participant
"The Girls Rule Program is awesome! I wish I had participated in a program like this when I was a child. It neatly connects for dots between academic excellence, future earning power, quality of life, esteem and self-confidence for African American girls while addressing specific challenges that are real in their lives. Are you considering expanding the format to a summer program? I would love for my daughters to participate."
~ Nadine Dumas, Parent of Program Participant
"To summarize Paighton's experience with one word I would state phenomenal. As a result of Paighton attending etiquette classes, her self-esteem was enhanced and I witnessed her possessing a greater self-confidence."
~ Pamela Smith Thomas, Parent of Etiquette Imperative Student
"I enjoyed going to the Green Festival and learning about and trying lots of healthy foods and snacks. Making organic pizza with Ms. Ladon was fun and I loved trying rice cheese for the first time!"
~ Maya, age 8
"Being a part of a girls only club is my dream come true! I feel good about the help with
school I get too. It feels good to be back in my right grade and GIrls Rule! helped me to believe I could do it."
~ Simone, age 12
"I love spending Saturday’s with Ms. Ladon & the girls! Ms. Ladon encourages us to try new things & she also finds fun ways to help us to explore our interests!"
~ Ariel, age 10
"When we learned to make our own organic skin care products I realized that I really could learn to do ANYTHING."
~ Miora, age 11
"I like Girls Rule! because it’s a place where we can talk about girl stuff and get guidance. We have all become really good friends, too! It's nice to have friends who are trying to reach the same goals that I am!"
~ Jasmine, age 14

"It is easer to build strong children, than to repair broken men."
~ Frederick Douglass
'Children are not people of tomorrow, they're people of today.'
~ Janusz Korczak
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe