Girls Rule Activities
Kids Kafe

The Girls Rule! Youth Ready/CHA Summer Project
Helping Girls To Help Themselves
Exciting News!
As a result of Mayor Daley's Youth Ready project goals (a youth workforce development and preparation initiative) and Chicago Housing Authority initiatives, Girls Rule was selected to deliver workshops from July 19 - August 20, 2010, that will help 16-21 year olds to envision the type of women they would like to become (complete with an action plans), explore career pathways and learn marketable job skills! Young ladies will also examine community challenges and barriers that impact the future success of youth, then develop strategies to overcome them.
Watch their transformative journey...
This page is dedicated to the phenominal progress these young ladies are making. Check back often for pictures, videos and other exciting updates!
New updates just added!
Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
Exploring Career Pathways (New)
Community Engagement

"If given the opportunity and access, I believe that all girls have the ability to rise to greatness."
~ Ladon Brumfield, Girls Rule!
Founding Executive Director
"It is easer to build strong children, than to repair broken men."
~ Frederick Douglass
'Children are not people of tomorrow, they're people of today.'
~ Janusz Korczak
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Girrls Rule! Executive Director featured on NBC 5 Chicago Morning News
Girls Rule! Hinton Elementary School chapter featured on
CBS Evening News with Katie Couric! Take a sneak peek!
Girls Rule! featured in Dawn Turner-Trice's Chicago Tribune column, "Girls Rule! Helps Girls To Help Themselves" >>read<< or take a sneak peek
In their own words...
"I feel respected at Girls people really want me here. I'm learning how to be better in so many ways and that life has so many possibilities.
-- Myeshia, age 11
"Girls Rule taught me that my current situation isn't my final destination. I can rise above challenges. I like that."
-- LaTaija, age 16
"I used to think that I was evil, but Ms. Ladon taught me that I AM a good person. I learned that running with boys won't get me nowhere, so now I'm a young lady and I love Ms. Ladon for that.
--Paris, age 11
"I have learned so much...been exposed to so much. I told my grandmother that Girls Rule! is like divine intervention for me.
Can it last a little longer?"
-- Voncia, age 16