I dedicate my time and financial resources to the Girls Rule! program because I am touched by the strength, hope and potential of the girls who participate.
Future Leaders of the World is a We Can! community partner
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F.L.O.W.'s Contributor Honor Roll!
Thank you for your gift!
Navy Pier, Chicago Illinois
The 'tweens and teens of Girls Rule! had fun exploring fashion, food and art while expanding their understanding of the enviornment at the GreenFestival hosted at Navy Pier.
Pre-GreenFestival Activities
Girls Rule! pre-GreenFestival trip activities provided informal girl-led educational discussions with it's members on the following topics:
Waste: Girls Rule! members learned what waste is, where it comes from and why it is an environmental problem.
Energy: Girls Rule! participants learned what energy is, what sources we leverage to create energy and how fossil fuels impact the environment.
Land Use/Agriculture: Girls Rule! members learned more about agriculture, local, national and international food production and the impact that chemically treated foods have on the human body.
Each Girls Rule! participant was provided with a packet of educational materials related to each of the topics discussed above. They were asked to review the materials and to consider what action each of them could take to positively impact the amount of waste produced, the amout of energy used and to make more food readily available in their local communities.
Post-GreenFestival Activities
One week after the GreenFestival, Girls Rule! Girls In Green members gathered to share their fondest GreenFestival memories, create an environmental action plan and to make their very own all natural beauty and skin care products!
Girls Rule!
Putting the GREEN Pieces Together!
Join Us!
I love that FLOW inspires girls to "blend out" rather than to "blend in."
I invest in their programs to celebrate the potential that I believe every girl possesses. more>>
Girls In Green Happenings
GreenFestival Activities >>
Girls Rule!
Putting the Green
Pieces Together
Girls Rule! explores
Natural and Organic Beauty 101 >>