Bringin' Books Back Book Store
Literature That Inspires Girls!

Featured Highlights
Book Of the Month
Julie Albright—Stories from the '70s
Julie Albright doesn’t want to move away from her San Francisco neighborhood near Chinatown, even if her new home is just a few miles away. Moving means leaving her best friend, Ivy, and her pet rabbit, Nutmeg. Worst of all, it means leaving Dad, now that her parents are divorced. It’s the mid-1970s and lots of things are changing: Julie’s teacher wants to be called “Ms.” Mom works full-time now, running her own store. America is trying to switch to the metric system, and school sports teams sometimes include a new kind of player—girls! While change can be hard to accept, Julie realizes that when it’s important—when a friend is in trouble, an animal is endangered, or a rule needs to be rewritten—it’s time to make the change happen yourself.
Explore Julie's World!

A Book Store with a Social Mission
The Bringin' Books Back Book Store is an extention of Girls Rule! and the Bringin Books Back Book Club whose mission is to support literacy, esteem and life skill development programs for young ladies residing in urban communities.
Invest in a Bud of Promise
Your investment in products from this book store help young ladies to confront and overcome subtle messages about their value and potential while
equiping them with valuable life
skills through innovative programs
and more.